By the 1890s the Stanley Barracks had begun to shrink. Most of the stables that surrounded the north square had been demolished along with some supporting structures outside the main square. The First and Second World Wars brought a new relevance, however, when the CNE Grounds became a major recruitment and training depot. But after that role had been honorably discharged, demolition continued in 1951-53 until only the Officers' Barracks stood. They served as the Canadian Sports Hall of Fame (1955-1959) and Marine Museum of Upper Canada (1959-1998); the Toronto Historical Board had its offices upstairs. Now the building is used for storage, as it awaits its next iteration, and the future of the surrounding grounds is determined...
Lawrence Buchan, Major, Royal Regt. Candn,. Infty., January 8, 1894.
Image courtesy Library and Archives Canada: NMC23160
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